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Friday, September 12, 2014

The view from where I sit

I'm a Leo, please don't hold that against me. As a Leo I can be very stubborn and as such get myself in some hot water, but nothing I can't handle.  I am opinionated yet open to hearing all side to a story, even though mine is always the right way (lol)- I can still appreciate others input.

With regards to parenting these days I have had to bite my tongue a time or two. Kids are running the show and the parents just don't seem to see it or chose to not see it. For example getting a toy when I was a kid happened at my birthday or was found under the Christmas Tree. Getting toys for todays kids seems to be an almost every day event. Even if is a toy from the dollar store it is still affirming to the child that they get something wherever they go - they don't understand the value of the dollar and whether you are spending $1.00 or $100.00.

I was once at a highly recognizable restaurant (if you can call it that) indoor place area with a few kids I was watching and I noticed a group of Moms eating lunch with their children. One mom came back from being inline for a spell with a bag full of crap....I mean food for her son. Upon discovering what was in the bag the kid started freaking out. "That is not what I wanted - I want something else." and without skipping a beat the mom got back up and went to stand in line to get her son what he wanted. I didn't know if I should smack her or her son. Both behaviours were terrible. All done in the name of not causing the kid to have a melt down in public no doubt, well she can shoot yourself in both feet at this point.

So let us chat about saying "No." You do know that it is okay and beneficial to say no to your children on a regular basis. I will admit that this actually was easy for me to do when my kids were smaller. My kids knew that no really meant no in our household, not I will keep asking until I get my way, that just got them into trouble but they learned quickly. You are only setting your children up for disappointment after disappointment as they get older if you lead them to believe they will always get what they want. Believe you me I am no perfect parent and I have always room for growth and development even as a Leo.

In closing as I have a 20 yr old and a 16 yr old I want to remind you that time is fleeting and before you know it your children will be moving out. While you have them under your roof set boundaries, say no, talk to them about personal finance, teach them to give back to the community, cook & bake with them and always give plenty of hugs and positive reinforcement. Mistakes will be made, milk will be spilled and that is okay, been there done that. May the force be with you :)

Happy parenting......


  1. Each generation sees child rearing differently. I agree, saying NO is important and teaching boundaries. Nice article. Thanks
