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Monday, December 28, 2015

Top 6 YouTube Workout/Trainers for 2016

Exercise in any form is essential for your overall health, whether you are a Runner, do Yoga, hit the gym, Weight Train, Cardio or Walk as long as you keep moving and push yourself to your max, you will see results. (Of course paired with a healthy eating plan)

Working out can be a daily struggle for some. So we have broken down for you our top 6 favorite workout YouTube trainers in an effort to make working out fun and easy for you right from the comfort of your own home and all for FREE.

In our list there is literally something for EVEYONE and for EVERY level so there is NO excuse whatsoever.  Here they are and in no particular order.

1) Jessica Smith TV is a fitness expert who really connects to her followers. Along with her side kick "Peanut" she can take you from a 15 routine up to an hour and has something for all levels. Her workouts are deliberate, functional and very well explained. Her form is spot on and I'd recommend Beginners start here, however intermediate and advance workouts are available too. Walking, Kickboxing, Cardio, Sculpting, Barre and everything in between.

Almost 216,000 subscribers

2) Dana Lee Real Fit TV has a little je ne sais quoi about her. Her down to earth approach is refreshing. From Kickboxing to Step and Bosu there is a lot to choose from and they are all very challenging.

Almost 25,000 subscribers

3) Fitness Blender is a husband and wife team that have professional quality videos. From short and sweet workouts to 1000 calorie burners, you are sure to find something here. All levels.

2,687,098 subscribers (wow)

4) Shelly Dose is an upbeat up and coming YouTuber. Her HIGH energy and fun cardio based workouts will get your heart pumping. Good music and fast paced. Intermediate to advance.

Over 3,000 subscribers and counting

5) Melissa Bender positive energy with tough workouts. Generally 10-20 minute workouts. Her web site has break downs of all her workouts and meal plans as well. She just announced that she is expecting so I'd imagine some baby workouts will soon follow

68,511 subscribers


6) Body Rock TV with Lisa-Marie has it all. You will find 21 day challenges, 30 day challenges and quick fit options as well. Lisa-Marie is highly motivating and a fun workout partner. Along with other feature trainers (including Melissa Bender noted above) You can find just about any level of fitness with tons of options for all.

896,683 subscribers

So there you have it - now you can surf through these and find which ones works best for you - OR rotate through them all and you will feel fit and fabulous in no time.



Sunday, December 27, 2015

Super Cereal

Here is a healthy homemade Super Cereal packed with tons of good stuff, enjoy!

Watch the YouTube video here:

Healthy Super Food - Yummy homemade Cereal

How to make the best homemade cereal for you and your family:

This wonderful homemade Super Cereal is so good for you, is just heavenly & so easy to prepare.
Combine the following in a large bowl:

•Golden Raisins
•Ground Flax Seed
•Goji Berries
•Sliced Almonds
•Sunflower Seeds
•White Ground Bran
•Chopped Peanuts
•Pumpkin Seeds
•Organic Ground Kale
•Slivered Almonds (yes more almonds)
Stir well and serve with your choice of Almond or Soy Milk when ready to eat. OR Sprinkle the cereal over Greek Yogurt.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

I am offended that saying Merry Christmas offends you, here is why

I am offended that saying Merry Christmas offends you, here is why....

You see it is very simple and easy to understand actually; the Holiday that occurs on and around the 25th of December annually is actually called CHRISTMAS! Easy enough to understand right?

It all began over 2000 years ago with the birth of Jesus Christ as is CHRISTmas. Every year on the date of his birth Christians around the word celebrate his birthday and usually joyfully greet one another by saying Merry Christmas.

Now, I appreciate that this is a culturally diverse world we live in duh! Not everyone celebrates CHRISTmas and guess what that is okay!!!

Of late people seem to think that it is politically incorrect to say "Merry Christmas" and opt to change that to Happy Holidays - well that offends ME!!!

Albeit I am not a practicing Christian but it doesn't mean that I don't acknowledge it.

Kwanzaa is Kwanzaa, Hanukah is Hanukah, Diwali is Diwali  - I don't go around and say to others that celebrate those holidays by saying happy holidays to you - NO I am respectful and say to them Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Diwali. CAUSE GUESS WHAT? Those ARE the names of their holidays - I would NEVER ask them to change that - even the White House started calling their Christmas Tree a Holiday Tree. How dumb is that?

I'd NEVER ask Jewish people to change the name of the Menorah to a Holiday candle - how selfish would that be of me, or anyone for that matter????

We have gone radical with respects to being politically correct and this is just taking it way too far.

Christmas is Christmas because that is the actual name of the holidays - no other reason!

Therefore I am offended that saying Merry Christmas offends you.

and when it comes time..... (just to name a few)

and to every other wonderful celebratory holidays out there ENJOY!!!

Please watch this Mad TV YouTube video:

Saturday, December 19, 2015

It is YOUR fault your kids feel entitled

Are you finding that your child(ren) just doesn't listen, are constantly afraid of an embarrassing public meltdown, do your kids demand things all the time?

This is not a behaviour that just started one day - patterns were started unbeknownst to you long before and you are the common denominator.

A child without boundaries, limitations and hearing the word NO (and meaning it) will eventually feel entitled period end of story.

So what to do?  Well, for one start as early as possible with,

1) FOLLOW THROUGH!!! Do not make a statement or threat of punishment (like: you are going to go to your room if said behaviour doesn't stop) and not follow through. If you say you may not go out with your friends and then you let them - just what kind of message are you sending?

2) Do not fall in the trap of blindfully rewarding bad behaviour. What do I mean? For example Suzy misbehaves and continues to do so even after being asked to stop the behaviour. Once grounded Suzy pleas emotionally that she is sorry, Mom/Dad accept said apology and then reward the child with an ice cream or the like. Instead of saying "I am sorry Suzy your behaviour earlier was not acceptable and I will not reward you with a treat at this time. Let's try again tomorrow."

3) Say NO more often. Saying NO to your child(ren) is actually healthy for their development. It teaches them amongst other things that there are boundaries and they are to be respected. Ever see that child in the shopping mall where a parent tried to say NO and a meltdown ensues only to have the Mom give in to avoid embarrassment? Well had the Mom said NO more often this would probably not have happened. Think of it as building up a mental muscle in the child. Every NO helps to increase the muscle making no easier to hear and feel. Not to mention when the YES happens it will be that much more enjoyable and appreciated.

4) Stop doing EVERYTHING for them. Let them carry their own backpacks, let them dress themselves, let them make mistakes. Don't micro manage them. Here is a blog I wrote on that.

Doing these few things will greatly improve your child's behaviour and help them along in life.

What are some of your parenting tricks, tips and advise?

Thank you for reading, please comment below.