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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Basic Beginner Step and Strength Workout | #workout


Basic Beginner Step and Strength Workout - Burn LOADS of calories and get moving with this beginner-friendly workout that combines simple step exercises with strength training for an effective full-body workout. #fitness #reebok #step #cardio #strength #armsworkout #burncalories *Perform at your OWN risk, not intended as fitness advice* Light warm up and cool down included: (Do more as needed) You'll Need: *A Step *Set of 3 DIFFERENT hand weights (mine are 5, 8 & 10's for reference only) *A Can Do attitude! Gentle Warm Up: Step Cardio: (60 Seconds each move) Basic Step Up Demi Side Squat Leg Lift Repeater Knee Corner Step Butt Kickers Alternating Knee Lifts Side Leg Lifts Alternating Heels V Sit Plank Shoulder Taps Strength: Lightest Weights 12 Reps: Bicep Curls Triceps Kickbacks W Curls Hammer Curls Medium Weights 10 Reps: Bicep Curls Triceps Kickbacks W Curls Hammer Curls Heaviest Weights 8 Reps: Bicep Curls Triceps Kickbacks W Curls Hammer Curls Gentle Cool Down *Please Subscribe, Comment, Share and Click the Like (Thumbs Up) Button* @youtube #YouTube Thank you!  @Reebok  Timer: @Simple Timer Music:  @WorkoutMusicSource 


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