I don't know about you but going grocery shopping makes me crazy. I really don't like any type of shopping especially food shopping. As I have become more aware of food and more mindful of what I put in my body it has even become more frustrating.
I am guilty of over thinking certain things and when I dig into something that interests me I can get overwhelmed. Looking into foods that are bad for you is truly an eye opener. For those who haven't done any homework on what it in their food are in for a shock.
Now you have to have SOME common sense and realise that we can't be 100% perfect eaters ALL the time. But we certainly can make an effort to improve.
All fast food is unhealthy but one of the worst places to take your family to eat (in my opinion) is McDonalds. Although they have tried to remarket themselves into the healthy choice place to eat - they are BY FAR unhealthy. Instead try taking the family to the park with a home packed home made picnic (no prepackaged foods). This way not only do you know what is going into their bodies they will be getting fresh air & exercise. A win win.
I am way from being perfect in this dept. but I am trying on a daily basis to improve. So, back to the grocery store. My thought is that if it is in a box it probably isn't a good food choice. The easiest thing to try and do is by local fresh ingredients as they are in season and look up new fun recipes that you can make with them. It can be a lot of extra work but well worth the effort in the long run.
I am a vegetarian (an ethical choice) and at first I thought it was going to be difficult but really it wasn't. I feel better about the choices I am making as well as leaving animals to be animals and not slaughtering them and eating them. The supply and demand for meat is crazy; back to Mc D's think about all the burgers they sell each and every day worldwide and that is just one chain - then there is A & W, Harvey's, Jack in the Box etc.... Yikes that is a lot of beef (with tons of fillers & hormones) Barf, no thanks.

If you are interested here is a web site to start your "eating better" journey. Now again, it may be overwhelming at first but stick with it and cut yourself some slack. You got this!!!
Don't eat blindly - know what you are putting into your body. I am working on this with my 16 year old son, what a battle.
Thank you for reading and please feel free to leave me your comments. Have a great day. :)
#vegetarian #clean #choice #eatwell
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