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Saturday, May 14, 2016

Forgive your parents by not living in the past, your future is NOT there

So often I have had discussions with people who are constantly complaining about their upbringing or complaining about someone who had a hard upbringing and I think to myself how very sad it is. I know an almost 60 year old that constantly reflect on things from 45 + years prior and just can't shake it, despite therapy!!! If they (you) are a parent yourself you will know how very difficult that job is and you yourself have tried your best - you never said you were perfect right? - so why not extend that very same reasoning to your parents? They never claimed to be perfect, they too (I am sure) tried their best at raising you. You don't fully know their story, you don't know their why or why not's. Cut them some slack whether you believe they deserve it or not.

Letting go of toxic people in your life (even family) may be necessary, but once you have done that MOVE on!!! Stop reliving things that hurt you - it is 1) Unhealthy and keeps you stuck and 2) Prevents you from enjoying your present and future.
We choose the thoughts we allow into our head - but like working out a muscle in the gym we too can workout a new way to think and process our feelings. Start by forgiving your parents, then change your unhealthy repetitive thoughts and replace them with happier memories and positive thoughts - YES it will take time AND effort on your part but eventually you will start to see some changes - life it too short to be stuck in the past.
Keep this blog as a reminder to keep moving forward - also keep it for your own kids as they may need it too!! Wink Wink.......
Forgive and move on.....your future happiness depends on it.


Friday, May 6, 2016

Although I am sympathetic, I am tired of being politically correct on a certain issue, here is why...

I am getting increasingly despondent by the fact that I feel it necessary to start off some of my blogs with a disclaimer, and yet here I go again.

DISCLAIMER: Please STOP reading the following blog and refer to this disclaimer when you start to get offended with what you are reading.

I would like the readers to take note that first and foremost I am a caring, loving, open minded individual who has the RIGHT to feel and think things as I please. I also have the right to write this blog; knowing that there will be those who think differently than I do, and I am ok with that as that is THEIR right too. I am in NO way writing this blog to offend anyone!!! I am writing it as a means to vent my personal frustration around certain current events!

Gender neutral restrooms:

There you have it, the source of my current frustration! This topic is being discussed/debated just about EVERYWHERE.

I want to get something straight right out of the gate in order to deflect some people out there who may want to rip a strip outta me. I am all for human rights, Duh!! Mine included. I am all for people to feel safe and welcome into the place where they are about to urinate and defecate. I am... really!!!

I am NOT okay with using the bathroom facilities with men. PERIOD. I just am not okay with that. Sometimes we ladies use the washroom to get away from men (on a 1st date perhaps or otherwise). We go there to fix ourselves up, chat with other ladies, check secretly for boogers and even toot (lol) etc...but, frankly speaking I am not even okay with "using the toilet" with other women around. Using the bathroom is a very private and yes rather disgusting - sometimes noisy and stinky situation and I rather do it completely solo to be honest. Although sometimes during the course of the month being in the ladies room can be a challenge to which other ladies will only be able to relate. You know when your monthly visitor decides to arrive a few days earlier than expected and you rely on the sisterhood of another women, "Um excuse me, can you kindly get me a tampon from the dispenser?" Can you imagine asking a random guy to help out with that?, as he is grunting and groaning in the stall next to you having a poop with no courtesy flush involved, or doing something even more nasty, Ahem. The thought makes me rather ill actually.

What it might feel like to me

It just doesn't seen right, I mean what is next gender neutral change rooms in all the department stores? No thanks! But that's a whole different ball of wax. Or is it?

Then there are schools; did you all forget how awful kids can be in school. Let alone opening up the door to having them ALL using the same facilities. Lord what a potential Pandora's box!!!

Now to walk on egg shells.....

I am sympathetic to those who are transgender, I really am. I am not oblivious to their plight (for lack of a better word). I just feel the issue is bigger than just the bathroom, or the bathroom is bigger than the issue, which ever way you want to refer to it. We should be considering ALL people and ALL feelings of EVERYONE.


Ok, carrying on. Now if the facilities were "completely enclosed and private" for each individual then ok - no problem (well, less of a problem actually, but still ewe). If they are the way they are currently (stalls, open at the top and bottom) then I have an issue with it.

You know this would happen

 In the washroom we are all vulnerable (heck we are half naked doing our business) whether you are a man or woman a boy or a girl, shit happens (pardon the pun) there will always be that not so nice individual that may be somewhat off their rocker. It is best for the majority (in my old fashion, humble opinion) that the washroom situation remain as it is, separate. ***If a person has made the transition, then great - I welcome you :)

But NO men in the ladies room please!!!!!

There are after all family facilities and individual washrooms for those of us that require extra privacy - myself included.

Thanks for reading :)