What are you feeding your mind, body & soul?
I often catch myself when having a negative thought & I try to replace it with a positive one. Not always easy though. When I find myself frustrated, scared, intimidated I repeat a mantra in my head. Mine is "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." I emphasis the ALL part of that as ALL things are possible.
Try to find your own mantra you can use for when the mind starts to go in a direction you don't want it to.
I try to make the best possible food choices that I can being a Vegetarian makes this a tad difficult as I need to look for high protein foods to replace meat. Getting the morning started off right with exercise and a healthy meals really sets the tone for my day.
Try the KISS method (keep it simple stupid) FOR EXAMPLE: Have hard boiled eggs ready for the morning, prep your lunch the night before and use your crock pit to have dinner all ready for when you get home.
This is an area that I need to work on - I need to feed my soul and I haven't yet found a way in which to do that but if I look back on my life I'd say that I was feeding my soul when I painted, created and finished something that I did with my hands.
Feeding your soul can mean going for a quiet walk taking in nature and getting fresh air and exercise at the same time.
We are what we surround ourselves with - so surround yourself with like minded people who have goals, high morals, a good sense of humor, loyal and who are kind.
What are you feeding your MIND, BODY & SOUL?