You want to have a baby - so you start to take very good care of your health. You start eating better, start exercising, start taking your supplements and if you are lucky you become pregnant within a short period of trying.
Your pregnant congrats! Now you start your journey of 9 months of caring for your unborn child. You start your OBGYN appointments and quickly learn that your body is no longer just yours. Changes occur on a weekly basis, morning sickness takes over your morning and for some the entire day. Woozy, weak, dizzy and vomiting become the norm. Ultra sounds that require your bladder to be FULL for an extended period of time while the technician pushes down on your tummy to get images of your unborn baby.
Blood work, test after test, trimester after trimester, leaking breasts, fatigue, sleepless uncomfortable nights and more will happen to you until the day finally comes....the baby is coming.
At first you are excited that things are finally starting to happen and your anticipation quickly turns into excruciating pain. How long will labour be, how long will you have to wait to see your beautiful baby? Fluids will come out of you that you weren't even a wear of. Needles will be stuck in your arm, you will be hooked up to monitors then finally it is time to push - you are told you will need an episiotomy and the use of a vacuum to assist the baby travels down the birth canal. Then bam baby has arrived. (assuming that all went according to plan, you and baby are healthy)
Now you have this bundle of joy and breast feeding/bottle feeding has you up all hours of the night all while you are trying to recover from giving birth.
A few months pass and you have settled into your routine and you quickly realize that there doesn't seen too be as much time for your partner and the thought of NOT having another child has been decided - then without a bat of an eye it is automatically assumed; that you the one that just went through all the rig amoral to have the baby in the first place, will be the one to go into surgery and have your tubes tide!!! The "go to" thought for most couples.
A lot of men are terrified to have a vasectomy - they believe or fear that their bits wont function the same way and they will be doomed forever.
This is such a cop out and they are being chicken sh*ts - I say after everything women go through for a single birth or multiple birth the VERY least the man can do is have this simple procedure done.
Don't be a hypocrite SNIP it!!! #snipit