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Monday, November 17, 2014

Why do we lie to our children?

Don't bite my head off without hearing me out!!!
First of all I love the holidays every one of them and I love some of the traditions we have in our family. But one year my husband and I just looked at each other and said "What the heck are we doin." Not only was Christmas getting bigger each year so was the Christmas "bill". This particular year we have no extra money to spare on gifts, but we had to keep up with the lie for fear of damaging our kids emotionally.
Christmas had become about buying gifts (we could not afford) and lying and it just started to feel WRONG to us.
"Mommy how it is possible that Santa gets to all the children in one night." One of our kids asked us this particular year and without skipping a beat we told them it was magic and that they had to believe.  Ouch!!! Yet the next day one of my kids lied to me and they got sent to the timeout chair.
"Mommy there is a monster under my bed." No sweetie there isn't monsters aren't real." Double ouch.
Something is just NOT right with this.
Why can't we have the sense of wonder and awh without the lying?  Why do we feel like 1 present under the tree isn't good enough - we need MORE for it to feel right.
Christmas is a time to reflect on our lives, spending time with loved one and the birth of Jesus Christ.  Instead it has become about consumerism and out right lies. & it is becoming more so every year that people are now saying Happy Holidays for fear of possibly insulting someone who is not Christian and not saying Merry Christmas...... so sad. But the Holiday is Christmas, that is it's actual name.
We have since apologized to our children for lying to them over the years with regards to Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairly and the like.
There has got to be another way.........
What are your thoughts? 
 a lie is a lie!!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Why I am a Vegetarian

I became a vegetarian for a number of reasons but mainly because I had a moment of consciousness. I was having discussions with my daughter about animals and the treatment of them during the "processing" process. I just couldn't eat meat anymore. I thought of the poor animals and the fear they must be experiencing and I just couldn't bring myself to eating them any longer.
When you see how these poor creatures are really treated and slaughtered - MURDERED is a better word why would you WANT to have that karma in your body. They don't have a voice, they can't tell you they are scared and hurting.  I mean if you take a second to really think about it - you too might reconsider eating meat.
I don't think I was ever a huge meat eater growing up in fact both my parents were Vegetarians for decades until recently. In high school I took a baking class and learned a lot about bacteria in the kitchen and salmonella and I was turned off chicken for fear of getting sick. Even now when my husband is making chicken I cringe at the thought of bacteria. 
As a child my parents took us to Europe and while visiting a family member the discussion came up about eating horse meat.  I remember thinking how odd and yucky that sounded as I was a huge lover of horses. It was later told to me that I had just eaten horse meat for dinner that night. They laughed at me and I ran away crying.  To this day I don't know if they were playing a trick on me or if I really did eat horse meat.
I know that a lot of people can't imagine a dinner without the staple of meat, but it can be done and you really wont miss it.  If you think about the shear mass of meat that is need to keep up with the demand on a daily basis it is mind blowing. Not just your dinner table think globally and about all the fast food places that pump out burgers by the second. It is actually sickening to think about it. Cows are continuously artificially impregnated to keep up with the demand once the calf is born it is taken away from it's mommy and the process starts all over again for the cow - how heart wrenchingly sad.
I would love to be Vegan and will work my way towards that.
Ellen explains why she became Vegan:
Recipes for Vegans/vegetarians:
Here are a few documentaries to watch if you so desire, they are thought provoking and hopefully will give you some perspective on this topic. Vegucated - very good documentary
I am still learning and plan on continuing to learn new ways to be conscious about animals and the treatment of them as well as our environment.  Hope you will too.  Thank you.

#vegetarian #vegan #animals

Monday, November 3, 2014

Give me a break

This is not a picture of me btw - but it is the closest picture I could find of an average looking lady working out.  Below is an actual picture of me working out.

I have been actively working out for years now.  I have been using the treadmill, doing weight training, cardio, yoga and HIIT to name a few.

Am I seeing a difference in my body?  A little and it feels good.  What does that say?  I need to change it up. Guess I have hit that dreaded plateau.  But where should I go from here, to whom shall I get accurate information from?  It can be very confusing. Do this don't do that eat that not that, get this amount of sleep drink this much water...etc. I have even heard a trainer say that you can do a really great workout but that sitting all day will Veto it.....wth?

I go to YouTube and look up different workouts and do them at home cause I really don't like the gym scene.  What I have found is that a lot (not all) of online trainers have 5-10 minute workouts with 3 lbs weights - as if that is going to do ANYTHING for you. Ok in fairness if you are a TRUE beginner at exercising then any amount of working out is good, just get started.  But come on, to try and sell this is absurd. GIVE ME A BREAK. Here you are watching these lovely men and women who are tight & fit & yummy looking trying to tell us that "you got 5-10 minutes a day? Then workout with me and you will see results" you wont!! What you will see is disappointment and the feeling of being a failure.  Those trainers workout for a living with years of experience and workout for hours a day to get that physique - don't let them fool you.

Check out this (annoying) 5 minute video I found on YouTube - listen to her language and how she is trying to sell this quick workout for your arms.....mean while she is a well known instructor working out for decades & probably hours a day in and out.

Here is what I have noticed for me and my workouts (may not be true for you)  I find if I rotate cardio, strength (10 lbs. each dumb bell & working on increasing that) HIIT, Yoga.  At least 30-40 minutes a day (rest Sundays) I generally look and feel better.  Also a few months ago I started really looking at the food I ate. Lower carbs (but not eliminating them), ate more veggies. Once I did that I started to see even greater results. 

I heard someone say don't eat to fill up - eat to fuel up.  This resonated with me. 

Use food as fuel not as a filler. As best you can, eat things that are closest to nature, & not processed and drink water, get into a challenging exercise routine. Everything in moderation, even moderation.

My Bottom line:

We are all different and what might work for 1 person may not work for another. Keeping your body tuned up is vital on so many levels. So to sum up Watch what you put into your body - find a routine to rotate through on a REGULAR basis that really challenges you and you WILL see results. Maybe not in the 6-8 weeks these online trainers tell you - but eventually you will and it WILL be worth the effort. Do it for your future self, you will be happy you did.

If you have any workout tips to share please comment below, thanks.

Oh - here is the picture of me working out.  I try.....and keep trying.... :) Right now I am doing the Jessica Smith November Fall Challenge. Here is a link to her web site: